Book "Schwingung - Resonanz - Leben" ("Vibrancy - Resonance - Life") by Alexander Lauterwasser (on

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Old legends of creation describe the genesis of our world from a primary vibrant, sounded cause. On the other side the findings of the quantum physics explain it in another, their own way. With this area of conflict the book is dealing. Alexander Lauterwasser asks: Can we really understand our world by searching for the last, isolated "particle" or do we need a relation forming dimension of resonance? Can we interpret the phenomenon "life" finally as a co-resonating, caused by resonance processes? Then evolution is a permanent endeavor in differentiation and increase of relation-caused resonance abilites. New water-sound-pictures illustrate this ideas and show in a fascinating way how water resonances to different sounds and vibrations. (This book is available in German language only).

AT Verlag

The book comes with new knowledge of the water research to the conclusion, that vital water is like an energy drink. It gives to the body new energy to reload the batteries.

Bonus: 2 "World in a drop" postcards for free.

Old legends of creation describe the genesis of our world from a primary vibrant, sounded cause. On the other side the findings of the quantum physics explain it in another, their own way. With this area of conflict the book is dealing. Alexander Lauterwasser asks: Can we really understand our world by searching for the last, isolated "particle" or do we need a relation forming dimension of resonance? Can we interpret the phenomenon "life" finally as a co-resonating, caused by resonance processes? Then evolution is a permanent endeavor in differentiation and increase of relation-caused resonance abilites. New water-sound-pictures illustrate this ideas and show in a fascinating way how water resonances to different sounds and vibrations. (This book is available in German language only).

AT Verlag

The book comes with new knowledge of the water research to the conclusion, that vital water is like an energy drink. It gives to the body new energy to reload the batteries.

Bonus: 2 "World in a drop" postcards for free.